Create a Pink Noise file using Audacity

Create a Pink Noise file using Audacity

Create a Pink Noise file using Audacity

We need a pink noise recording with an RMS energy of -20dB.

Audacity is free, open source, cross-platform audio software.

  1. Select menu Generate ➜ Noise
  2. Select noise type of “Pink”. I used amplitude of 0.5 and 30 second but you can use other settings. Click OK.
  3. The editor window will show show a random-looking waveform. Because it’s random, it will be a little different each time.
  4. Select the entire waveform. (Before playing it, turn down your speaker volume just in case.)
  5. Select menu Analyze ➜ Measure RMS to adjust the volume/energy. This analysis tool is not enabled by default. If you don’t see Measure RMS in the Analyze menu then follow the Audicity Measure RMS instructions.
  6. This analysis tells us that the RMS energy is -18.886dB which is just a little above our target of -20dB. So, we need to reduce the amplitude by just -1.11dB. Click OK to close the measurement popup.
  7. Select menu Effect ➜ Amplify. Enter the amplitude change and click OK. You’ll notice that the waveform’s amplitude will get a little smaller (or larger if you have a positive correction).
  8. Repeat the Analyze ➜ Measure RMS measurement. You should see a figure quite close to -20dB.
  9. Save your .WAV file using the menu File ➜ Export ➜ Export as WAV. 16-bit should be for this calibration but feel free to use something higher. A lossless format like WAV is recommended over compressed formats like MP3.